Will County Supervisor of AssessmentsSales Search
You may search for properties in Will County by their sale information, such as the date the property was sold or the amount the property was sold for. You do not have to enter both a Sale Date and a Sales Amount in order to conduct a search. You may type one or the other, or both.
If you only enter a "From" Sale Date, the Search will display all sales starting at the "From" Sale Date and going to the most recent Sales Date. If you only enter a "To" Sale Date, the search will display all sales starting with the earliest available Sales Date up to the "To" Date that you entered.
If you only enter a "From" Sale Amount, the Search will display all Sales starting at the From Sale Amount on up. If you only enter a "To" Sales Amount, the search will display all Sales starting with the lowest Sales Amount to the "To" Sale Amount that you entered.
You may enter the name or partial name of a specific subdivision in the field above as part of your search if you desire, but it is not required. For example, if you are only interested in searching for properties sold for $200,000 - $250,000 in the Amber Fields subdivision, type "200000 to 250000" into the Sale Amount fields and type "Amber Fields" in the Subdivision field, then press the Search button. If you do not want to limit your search of properties sold for $200,000 - $250,000 to just the Amber Fields subdivision, then leave the Subdivision field blank.
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